Saving energy by improving the moisture of final bagasse using perforated with longitudinal channels rollers cane mills

Document Type : Original Research Articles.


1 Faculty of Sugar and Integrated Industries Technology, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

2 Egyptian Sugar & Integrated Industries Company, EL Hawamdiyah, Giza, Egypt.

3 Egyptian Sugar & Integrated Industries Company, EL Hawamdiyah, Giza, Egypt

4 Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt


After the process of crushing the sugarcane and extracting the juice, the bagasse remains. The bagasse is used in many industries, such as making paper, wood, fodder and fertilizer, also as fuel that is burned in steam boilers to generate steam used in industrial processes.Spray water as imbibition is added in the penultimate mill to ensure better extraction and reduce final sugar loss, and the lower the moisture of the final bagasse, the greater its calorific value. In this research, an increase in the surface area of juice drainage with the rollers of the mills was studied by designing perforated rollers equipped with longitudinal channels to ensure that the final bagasse does not absorb the sugary water extracted from the last mill, and the exit of the final bagasse with the lowest moisture and the highest calorific value. The idea of the research was applied to lab mills operating in Deshna sugar factories on two lines, one of which is modified with perforated rollers and the other is unmodified rollers. Comparison of the moisture of the final bagasse in each line, which showed a decrease in the moisture of the final bagasse in the modified mills by a percentage up to ± 2.03% that was lower than that of the unmodified mills.



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