Effect of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles on the Behavior of Calcium, Silicate, and Phosphate in Cane Juice Treatment

Document Type : Original Research Articles.


            In this study, hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (HAP), Ca5 (PO4)3(OH), were synthesized via wet-chemical precipitation methods. Physicochemical properties of nanoparticles were characterized using high-resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HR-TEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The application of the synthesized adsorbent in clarification of mixed cane juice "MJ”, was investigated via batch experiments on a pilot scale. The effect of (HAP) on the behavior of dissolved nonsugars "calcium, silicate, and phosphate compounds", compared with the effect of the traditional sulfitation process was evaluated. The results show a significant difference in the removal of silica, 51.34% with using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, whereas 36.25 % removal with the traditional sulfitation method. And 38.3% lower in the remaining calcium content in the clarified juice CJ was achieved. Moreover, 16 ppm of P2O5 content in CJ after using hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, compared with 6 ppm P2O5 in the CJ resulted from the traditional sulfitation process. These results mean a predicted soft scale formed in the evaporators, overcoming the hard-to-boiled massecuite "HTB" phenomenon, and lower sugar losses in final molasses. The results were discussed via, the physicochemical properties of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, that affect coagulation and flocculation of flocs formed.


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