Improving the Efficiency of Extraction of Sugar Cane Mills Using Rollers with Compound Triple Pitch

Document Type : Original Research Articles.


1 Egyptian Sugar & Integrated Industries Company, Deshna, Qena, Egypt

2 Egyptian Sugar & Integrated Industries Company, EL Hawamdiyah, Giza, Egypt

3 Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt


Sugar cane mills are the equipment used in extracting sugar solution from sugar cane plant. The effect of the roller pitch has been studied as one of the constituent parts of the mills by modifying the universal pitch to the triple pitch compound and experimenting with extracting different sugar cane weights ( total nine samples ) . On both mills , universal and triple compound pitch on the mills rollers under the same conditions and control of the correct setting taking into account with the uniformity of samples and it was recorded the results were positive by increasing the weight of the squeezed sugar cane in the three - pitch compound rollers mills of extracted juice which increasing percentage up to 3.02 % in contrast to the extraction of single pitch rollers mills which was positive only on  low weights.


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